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Well, as you must have already known, I have absolutely no idea what is the exact definition of zen, and for my purpose, it could be quite arbitrary, because all I want is to achieve a feeling the reader could get, hearing a word that is not very familiar, but at the same time, doesn't fell so far from him, and the feeling he expects to get while obtaining Zen is exactly what I want the reader to get out of it, in preparation to the written statements below:

I do not think I can obtain a feeling of Zen, I don't. Albeit, I think I can aspire to achieve this feeling, and this aspiration is all I need to keep moving forward.

The definition I want to set for the arbitrary word of Zen is to be attuned, to your rational self and your feelings. The tuning should be twofold. First, you need to set your mind, in my view, with your rationality, because you are by far better with your rational rather than your feelings. After that, you need to acquire skills to achieve the tuning spoken above, a skill that could never be achieved to the maximum, but surely could be enhanced. though it might be of aid not to do so, and to try to first have your mind and your body, your rational self and your feelings set, which I have no idea how to do, and then, and only then, you can set practical goals, that would achieve what I wish for. I must keep challenging myself and dare. daring is caring, at least for me.

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