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Definition of doublethink

we all hold and practice doublethinking, we ought to ourselves to metigate always between our two Dichotomous ideas, two different voices. The first, as Freud reffered to, the super ego, and the second, the id. these two seperate voices are interesting by themselves, because the pretentiousness to try and seperate ourselves into different rubrics, and for each rubric to stand and hold her ground against every investiagtion is not something we can do. it is these ideas, this jumps in our thoughts, that wittgenstein called language games, those exact assumptions, and the unheard-of jump to a conclusion, through our own words, that fails us each time.

The strange thing occurs when you try to think about it, and from one point of view it all makes sense, nothing can withstand this doubts, nothing can hold against it.

But,how is it that in some way it works, math, physics, its our take on the world, through words or signs, signals, it works, then how?

A simultaneous belief in two contradictory ideas

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Novel by George Orwell

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