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The benevolent

What are my self affirmations? What are those I urge to secure, and who are the benevolent who gift them to me.

Analyzing a random group-meeting should yield more than enough to set your self in the right direction to answer these unbelievably simple question, and yet so complex in nature.

The complexity arise at the first step, before asking the question, you need to ask yourself why on earth do you raise these question. why is it so important what are my self affiramtion? And to these I answer, it is imporatnt to me, i see progress while analyzing the things amongst me, inside me, around me. progress can be in the magical world of stress relief, or plain simple happiness, and lots of it.

So, after arguing, and in a funny and quite adorable way, persuaing myself that it is justified to ask oneself these questions, I come to the actual anaylsis which was the purpose of this quest afterall.

When looking at it I can see two major structures, i can see the past, and i can see the ongoing present.

The past can help me find the answers, and the present can help me see my progress, and what am i so stuck on still.

right on top of my mind i see two things (funny remembering the office), echoing in the dark throughout my exsistence. Those are the mind, the wise, and the body, the beautiful.

Two of whom I didnt get enough self, or general generic affiramtion in the past. Leaving with certain thoughts in your head for a long time can make them stick, and they do stick, they do, no matter how much you try and believe, no matter how many times you prove yourself the opposite, one glitch, getting a bad grade, or not being recognised as a certain individual, that you hope to be precieved as, but dont really get that from the public, the whole structure just shatters at your own hands.

And the almighty feat you felt, that you reached a higher place, it all brakes into pieces.

So again i ask why, why do i need those affiramtions, why do you need it?

well, of course the obvious resaon here is my, or anyones, self esteem, and even by writing this down at the current moment is a question of self esteem. It is always you against everybody else.

Delicious thought that rose during the the writing:

The weird thing is , you always fight, but at the same time you always try to behave well. Its like with the immigrants, you dont want them to take your money so you dont want to transfer benefits to them, yet youre also afraid they might steal your job for example, so you support transfer payments. You never really care about the other person, you only care about yourslef.

The last question for the moment, is there anything I do, not for myself, but for the sake of another? FIND IT.

And to you, the benevolent, those who give me the affirmations, you are the true me, you are my everything in a way, because if nobody sees my, do i exist?

Portrait of Ambroise Vollard,

Picasso (1910)

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